The Center is a Pioneer of Integrative Medicine
Practice in the Country
Ithaca College Interns
Integrative Medicine Center is proud to serve as a clinical rotation site to Ithaca College Health Science students. Interns participate in administrative and clinical operations while engaging in project-based learning exercises aimed to arm and empower a generation of culturally competent health professionals.
Emeline M Mandeville, CM
Please call her direct line to make an appointment (607) 288-2336
Rhonda K Bathurst, MSTCM, MPA, L Ac (CA, NY, KS)
Diplomate of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Our Philosophy
At the Integrative Medicine Center we are dedicated to helping you achieve your highest potential for wellness regardless of your current state of health or financial status. We believe:
The body has an innate capacity to heal.
Optimal health is a state of balance and harmony in mind, body, and spirit, and reaching and maintaining this balance is a lifelong process.
Knowledge is the key to responsible health care decision making and patients must be actively involved in their healing process.
Respect, compassion, and inspiration guide the practitioner.
Flexible payment systems promote fiscal health.
We accept self-payment via cash, check, credit card; third-party payment such as Aetna Student Health, NYSHIP/Empire, BlueCrossExcellus, Optum (veterans), Cornell Athletic Department, Personal Injury, Flex Spending, and Health Savings. Click here to verify if your insurance covers our services. Not covered? Ask about Bartering Agreements and individualized Financial Hardship Contracts which eliminate barriers and open access to people of all backgrounds, disparities, and circumstance.
Our Founder
The Integrative Medicine Center of Ithaca was founded by Dr. Ann Wang in 2002. Prior to the establishment of this medical delivery model in the USA, Dr. Wang served as a teaching physician in the teaching hospital at Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China where she practiced Integrative Medicine as both a Western Medicine and Eastern Medicine practitioner. As she began her career in Ithaca, Dr. Wang realized that the culture and environment would foster her integrative medicine vision. As a part of the community, she found other talented practitioners in the area who shared a similar vision of creating an integrative medicine practice.
On November 1, 2002, Dr. Wang’s dream came to fruition as the Integrative Medicine Center opened its doors. Since its opening, the Integrative Medicine Center has been greatly accepted and supported within the Ithaca community and has been recognized as one of the pioneers of Integrative Medicine in this country. Dr. Wang now serves as mentor to the IMC team who has been called to carry this shared vision into the next generation - to transform parallel play medical care systems into integrative and collaborative patient-centered culturally-inclusive team-based health promotion systems.
With a holistic integration of Eastern and Western medicine, we specialize in not only treating illness, but preventative care for the whole family. (Returning Soon!)
Acupuncture-therapeutics are ancient Asian procedures which apply heat, pressure, and often insertion of thin, metal, disposable needles into the body, to stimulate and enhance natural healing capabilities.
The systematic use of manual soft tissue mobilization techniques to relieve pain, reduce swelling, enhance healing, improve mobility, and promote deep relaxation of the muscles and nervous system.
Chinese herbal medicine provides necessary nutrients for restoring balance to maintain health rather than treating a particular disease or medical condition.
Counseling can be helpful with present or past problems, and can be used to change harmful patterns of behavior. Psychotherapy is for anyone, especially those overwhelmed, depressed, or feeling stuck.
We provide customized Chinese Herbal Formulas specific to individual patient presentation using Treasures of the East granular extracts.
"When there were no solutions to treat my chronic gastrointestinal illness, I turned to IMC. My condition is now under control. I have regained my health and live a fuller, richer, and happier life. Each time I visit IMC's offices, I am grateful for the knowledgeable and kind practitioners, helpful staff, and soothing environment." - LP
"IMC is a taste of China Town!" - WD
"The esteemed Dr. John Shen of New York City and Dr. Ann Wang warmed my yang with moxibustion therapy. I am thrilled that the new IMC owner, Rhonda, incorporates this acupuncture-procedure into my sessions...her results are swift, amazing, and enduring!" - JF
"I have been receiving acupuncture for over 25 years. Originally, it was to help with the pain and discomfort caused by endometriosis. Dr. Ann Wang, Founder of Integrative Medicine, was an integral part in my healing and ultimately the birth of my only child." - LW
"Fifteen years ago, my primary care physician informed me that I had severe hypertension. After listening to my concern about taking drugs, he referred me to the Integrative Medicine Center. I was impressed by the doctor's broad experience and training in both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The course of treatment significantly lowered my blood pressure and maintained it at a healthy level. I am deeply grateful for IMC's alternative approach and continue to go there to maintain good health." - LL
"I feel so much better, how amazing!" - EV
Contact Us
Sunday - Friday
By Appointment